An art of a crow with its wings open with transparent background


In order to discourage dispensary owners from purchasing bottom/mids and selling them as tops or bait and switching patients on weedmaps, we decided to create a tiered menu. This way we feel it better serves patients by keeping dispensaries honest and/or letting people know what shops carry what of ours, allowing the patients to decide what’s best for them.

There are 7 tiers when we grade flower for dispensaries, but for simplicity, we broke it down into 3 tiers on our website for our “Flower Drops”. Here is the breakdown of the 7 which are more relevant for dispensary owners when purchasing:

Tier 1 (Top of canopy nearest to light): Upper Tier 1 (Tops) – Bottom Tier 1 (Tops 6″- 12″ from top).

Tier 2 (Middle of canopy): Upper Tier 2 (Tops of Mid 13″ from top) – Bottom Tier 2 (Mid bud 13″ – 24″ from top).

Tier 3 (Bottom of canopy 25″ – 36″ from top of plants) The final 3 tiers inside of Tier 3 are graded by size and density mostly according to genetics.

Like Diamonds! The final step of our process is graded by how well to the best of our knowledge we executed the harvest from previous runs. Vibrancy is huge for us here. Trichome damage, cure damage, trim/manicuring damage, light bleaching, or anything that lessons the appeal, color or nose of the flower will automatically drop the flower a Tier. Mids tend to go out as bottoms sometimes, which benefits the patients and dispensaries a ton!

All tiers are eligible for pheno hunts. They are small runs and not everyone participates because pheno hunts require a blind commitment to purchase X amount every hunt and not everyone is geared to commit, so they rely on what’s left over if there is any.

We harvest 1 time a month, so we update 1-2 times during that period as we select which phenos will move forward.

We try and update the drops page as soon as a order goes out, sometimes it may take an extra day or two depending on how busy we are.

The duration of a consulting project depends on the scope and complexity of the project. We will work with you to determine a timeline that meets your needs.